Buyers and Sellers
Empowering Transactions

Explore our agri-connect and auction platform for all your transactions. Designed as a specialized hub for agri and horticulture stakeholders, our platform is committed to facilitating your transactions smoothly.


North East Specialties



Pineapples grown in the pristine North East Region of India stand out as global favourites, renowned for their exceptional sweetness with high TSS (Total Soluble Solids) and notably low fiber content.



The ginger produced in North East contains high oleoresin, distinctive aroma and spiciness and gives higher oil recovery.



Turmeric produced in North East contains a curcumin content of more than 7% (almost 2% higher than other varieties)



Pineapples grown in the pristine North East Region of India stand out as global favourites, renowned for their exceptional sweetness with high TSS (Total Soluble Solids) and notably low fiber content.



The ginger produced in North East contains high oleoresin, distinctive aroma and spiciness and gives higher oil recovery.



Turmeric produced in North East contains a curcumin content of more than 7% (almost 2% higher than other varieties)


01 Registration & Profile Creation

Effortless entry into the portal! Sellers, register and create profile and complete for a swift start to showcasing and auctioning your produce.

02 Product Listing

Empower your agricultural venture with ease! Sellers, effortlessly add products to the platform, ensuring a smooth and efficient process to showcase harvest to potential buyers.

03 Auctioning and acceptance

Dive into dynamic auctions on our platform! Sellers, experience the thrill as bids roll in; effortlessly accept the highest offer, maximizing returns for the agricultural products.

04 Sell product and get rewarded

Harvest success on our platform! Sellers, sell your agri products and reap the rewards. Join us in cultivating prosperity and recognition for your exceptional produce.


01 Registration & Profile Creation

Unlock a world of agricultural excellence! Buyers, register and create your profile effortlessly on the platform, gaining access to a diverse marketplace where quality meets convenience.

02 Access of Quality Products

Explore a bounty of choices at your fingertips! Seamlessly search and view an array of top-quality agricultural products added on the platform. Get the finest produce with a simple click.

03 Participate in Auction

Elevate your sourcing experience! Actively participate in auctions for handpicked agricultural products. Engage in an auctioning adventure and communicate with Seller to get the best deal.

04 Get Quality Products

Tailor your harvest experience through auctions! Secure quality agricultural products tailored to your needs. Elevate your sourcing strategy and ensure every purchase meets your discerning standards.


01 Partner Registration and Profile Setup

Experience seamless onboarding onto our platform! Register as a Partner by providing all necessary details and effortlessly onboard to offer your services.

02 Showcase Your Services and Incentives

Present your service offerings on our platform. Share your business information, service offerings, and incentive structures to cater to sellers and buyers effectively.

03 Service and Inquiry Management

Access the Partner console to efficiently handle added services and inquiries from sellers and buyers seeking to avail themselves of your offerings and incentives.

04 Seller and Buyer Management

Effectively manage the sellers and buyers utilizing your services or incentives. Keep track of sellers and buyers through the Dashboard console who availed the services/incentives.

How it works?



Maximize your product's appeal with us! Showcase and auction your agricultural products on the platform, connecting with a network of credible buyers.



Elevate your sourcing approach in agriculture! Explore a diverse marketplace, seamlessly auctioning on top-quality produce to meet your specific needs.



Grow with us as a valued partner! Collaborate on our NERACE platform to enhance your business reach and maximize your business presence and impact, digitally.

What Our Customer Say?

The NERACE platform revolutionized how I sell my produce—transparent, efficient, and rewarding. A game-changer for any farmer in North East. I have got good price for my produce.

NERACE has transformed the way I showcase and sell my pineapple produce and its products. The seamless use, easy process to list products and get bids on the product added – all of this has made it possible for me to sell my product at a good price.

Selling your product here on NERACE is a breeze! Connecting with a diverse customer base has significantly boosted my sales. Truly a must-have for any seller for North East

It's not just a platform; it's a gateway to a broader audience. I have sold my Ginger and Lychee through NERACE platform and my product got sold within a span of one day at a price that was more than my expectation.

The vast array of high-quality agricultural products, coupled with a seamless search and auctioning process, makes sourcing a breeze. A reliable platform that connects buyers with the best in the market.

I had requirement of Turmeric in a large quantity and found it difficult to source the same. The NERACE application help me to get quality Turmeric from North East within no time. Highly recommended!

Highly Recommended to Buyers across India who want to deal in niche agriculture produce and products of North East, NERACE is THE place for you.

The diversity of offerings, coupled with transparent auctions, ensures a satisfying procurement experience. Along with genuine listed sellers and products, you get a list of service providers as well who help in the supply chain.

Jyotish Das Seller
Abhijit Barua Seller
Ahanthem Devi Seller
Samrat Rudra Seller
Rakesh Kumar Buyer
Prashant Gupta Buyer
Siddharth Patel Buyer
Vivek Mishra Buyer
  • 500+

    Product Listed
  • 300+

    Sellers Listed
  • 250+

    Buyer Listed
  • 150+

    Partners Listed


Pineapples grown in the pristine North East Region of India stand out as global favourites, renowned for their exceptional sweetness with high TSS (Total Soluble Solids) and notably low fiber content.



The ginger produced in North East contains high oleoresin, distinctive aroma and spiciness and gives higher oil recovery.



Turmeric produced in North East contains a curcumin content of more than 7% (almost 2% higher than other varieties)



North East-grown kiwi stands out for its vibrant taste and enhanced nutritional profile. It is packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.



Pineapples grown in the pristine North East Region of India stand out as global favourites, renowned for their exceptional sweetness with high TSS (Total Soluble Solids) and notably low fiber content.



The ginger produced in North East contains high oleoresin, distinctive aroma and spiciness and gives higher oil recovery.



Turmeric produced in North East contains a curcumin content of more than 7% (almost 2% higher than other varieties)


Manage listings, connect with buyers, and track sales - all from your smartphone with our intuitive Seller App.

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Shop smarter with our Buyer App - find, compare, and purchase seamlessly.

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